Water Levels (Highs & Lows)

The waterfront property community has always been self-reliant and resilient in the face of adversity. FOCA advocates personal responsibility for every waterfront property owner, as part of good risk management.

Whether flood, drought, or other severe weather events, it falls to each of us to be reasonably prepared for emergencies that can arrive with force and little warning.

Is there an emergency in your area?

  1. check for Current Flood Messages from MNRF & local Conservation Authorities
  2. visit Environment Canada’s website for weather information and notices

NOTE: All flood advisories are not the same. Flood message definitions (watch, warning, etc.) can be found here (near the bottom of that page)

Jump to FOCA’s High Water/Flooding information

Jump to FOCA’s Low Water/Drought information

Jump to FOCA’s Water Management Planning webpage

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July 2024 saw several high-water warnings for parts of Ontario. Get links to local information:

FOCA reminds everyone that any waterway has the potential to be dangerous during extensive rain or strong wind events, as riverbanks become saturated and slippery. If you are out boating, be #WakeAware as high water conditions mean more threat to docks, shorelines, and loons nesting along our waterways. 


April 21, 2024 – There are reports in various parts of Ontario about high water and flood warnings or watches underway. As one example, the City of North Bay is currently making sandbags available to residents in anticipation of shoreline damage due to rising Lake Nipissing water levels.

March 16, 2024 – ‘We could be in for a very different summer’: officials warn of potential for low water levels (Kawartha Now) – Early snowmelt and below-average precipitation means there’s little additional water to store in Trent-Severn Waterway reservoir lakes.

February 27, 2024 – OPG news release: hydro operations preparing for whatever spring has in store – “Did you know? On large river systems like those in Ontario, spring freshet can take up to several weeks. Regardless of water levels, please be safe around rivers and dams as water levels can change in an instant.”

June 2023 – Have you ever wondered about high & low water levels throughout the Trent River Watershed – where the water comes from, where it goes to, and who manages the levels throughout the seasons? The Coalition for Equitable Water Flow (CEWF) has created some great and informative videos on the subject, and how to protect your property from fluctuating water levels:

Learn about personal Emergency Preparedness in remote areas. Take steps to prepare your property for weather and water extremes. Review your insurance coverage and understand what is covered, and what is not.

High Water / Flooding information:

Links to water level resources & flood tips:

For more information regarding watershed status, please visit the website of your local Conservation AuthorityKawartha ConservationOtonabee Region Conservation AuthorityGanaraska Conservation AuthorityLower Trent Conservation AuthorityLake Simcoe Region Conservation AuthorityCataraqui Region Conservation Authority.

In all other areas of the Trent, Severn and Rideau Watersheds, see the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry for notices.

Are you Prepared for Flooding?

Ontario cottage-country communities should be vigilant especially in the spring, as this is the time of year when we can experience lots of melting snow and ice, heavy rainfalls, and high water flows on lakes and rivers. Conditions can change quickly, so being prepared in advance is the best possible approach.

The “freshet” is the Spring thaw of snow and ice in our watersheds. Quick melts and heavy rain can result in flooding, as ground that is still frozen cannot absorb the moisture.

FOCA and our local associations remind all homeowners to take measures to protect themselves and their belongings. Cottage country buildings, docks, and boathouses located in or near the floodplain are at particular risk. Preventative action can minimize loss, but overland flooding is a real risk for those located in a flood plain or close to rivers or lakes.

Critical risk factors for waterfront homes:

  • If you have buildings, docks, boathouses, decks, equipment, boats, stored or located in the floodplain, or near the high water level of your nearby lake or river – you may be at risk.
  • If your lot is not graded so that water flows away from your house, overland flows may impact your foundation or basement
  • Poorly drained lots (frozen or shallow soils, rock, or clay) can cause poor surface drainage. Runoff from heavy rain or melting snow can result in standing water, flooding, foundation settlement or damage, or basement dampness. A well-planned drainage system will help keep your lot, and your neighbour’s, free of standing water.

What you can do:

  • Clear eavestroughs and downspouts – if safe to do so – to direct water away from your home.
  • Ask someone to check your property if you are away for extended periods.
  • Review your insurance policies – call your insurance professional if you have questions about your coverage, particularly related to overland water.
  • Move valuable items from the basement to upper floors.
  • Steps to take after a flood (Government of Canada)
  • Dry any flooded areas quickly, to prevent mold growth. Industrial-sized air dryers are often used in these instances and are typically available for purchase or rent at one of the major hardware stores. If the water is from a freshwater source, quickly retrieve from the flooded area any valuables. If the flood source originates from the septic system, avoid contact with the water and do not cross-contaminate unaffected areas by walking in and out of the contaminated areas.
  • What to Do When Flood Waters Have Affected Your Septic System (Leeds, Grenville & Lanark District Health Unit)

Review tips and get more information about how to protect yourself in the “Flood Matters” infographic, from FOCA and our partners at the University of Waterloo, and Partners for Action. (Click the image to download the full 1-page PDF)

Flooding and Insurance Coverage:

Flood damage caused by overland flooding is not generally covered by home insurance policies in Canada (though a few companies may now have it available), so it is important to protect yourself from the potential damage of floods. Flooding from sewer or septic system backup may be covered, but in any case it is important to understand your home insurance policy to see if these types of coverages are included.

FOCA reminds members:

  • Ontario homes are limited in insurance coverage for damage due to overland water
  • seasonal properties are NOT covered by the Ontario Disaster Relief Assistance Program, a provincial financial assistance emergency tool.*

About ODRAP: The Ontario Disaster Relief Assistance Program (ODRAP) is a provincial financial assistance program intended to alleviate the hardship suffered by private homeowners, farmers, and small businesses whose property has been damaged in a natural disaster declared by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. ODRAP is not an alternative or a substitute for private insurance coverage and risk management. Damage claims should be directed first to insurance companies to determine coverage of individual policies. 

Have you been flooded?

Be aware that many home systems may be affected; learn more about managing impacts to structural, electrical and other home systems from the Government of Canada Get Prepared webpages.

For information about how to manage their septic systems during high water, and after the water recedes, see this guidance:

Also read this 2019 post to Water Canada’s website, “Bad Weather can lead to Bad Water,” about drinking water quality concerns after high water events.

About the risk of flood and the role of planning:

FOCA is in the P4A (Partners For Action) Stakeholder Group, as part of our ongoing interest in making our communities stronger in the face of climate change. In July 2016, P4A released a new report: At the Front Lines of Flood: How Prepared are Ontario Communities? Some highlights:

  • Flooding is a major source of socio-economic vulnerability in small and medium-sized Ontario communities, placing unnecessary strain on municipal resources
  • Communities are acting to manage vulnerability to flood, but these efforts are fragmented, creating uncertainty about their effectiveness. Communities also lack institutional and financial capacity to enforce, update and further invest in these actions to improve resiliency
  • Federal and provincial policy and funding to reduce vulnerability and improve capacity of our communities to prepare and recover from flood are underutilized and underdeveloped
  • There is a strong divide in capacity to understand and address flood risk between urban and rural communities
  • Municipalities need funding, capacity, technical and scientific support, regulation, and community and political buy-in to address the present and future risk of flood
  • Provincial and federal governments should address the current leadership gap and prioritize community resiliency to flood by supporting communities in understanding and communicating risk and opportunities to reduce this risk.

Low Water / Drought Information:

While we have recently experienced more high water and heavy rain events, rather than droughts, a decade ago all the news centred around low water levels in the Great Lakes, particularly in Georgian Bay.

Here is some recent drought news, important links, and historic references:

  • For more about drought, consult the province’s webpage: https://www.ontario.ca/page/drought
  • For FOCA members with properties in regions covered by a Conservation Authority (CA)consult your local CA that issues high and low water alerts on an ongoing basis. Most CAs include “red-orange-yellow-green” warnings on their website landing pages, and may also have an e-list you can subscribe to, for regular updates.

August 2022 – currently, water levels in all of the Great Lakes except Lake Superior are down compared to this time last year. Consult: Environment Canada Great Lakes Water Levels for recent and historical water levels.

August 18, 2022 – Toronto facing ‘abnormally dry’ drought conditions (Toronto Star)

2014 Low Water News: 

May 26, 2015 – Water levels low in Lake Ont., dry spell continues  (Niagara Falls Review)

June 2014: the Mowat Centre and Council for the Great Lakes Region report: water levels in the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence basin “fell dramatically” in 1997-98 and haven’t recovered. The report puts a hefty price tag on the cost of low water to the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River region: more than $19.3 billion by 2050. The full report is available for download, here: Low Water Blues An Economic Impact Assessment of Future Low Water Levels in the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River (PDF, 120 pages)

  • Read a related June 2014 article on the subject, including the role of climate change in the mix, by clicking here… (CBC)

Citizens concerned about low water levels in Georgian Bay can connect with the group, “Stop the Drop” on Twitter.

Feb 2013: Great Lakes hit record-low water levels (Toronto Star)

Please note: the following is archival material, and some links to third-party resources may no longer be active.

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