FOCA leads many initiatives devoted to waterfront Ontario, and works with our members and partners on several on-the-ground efforts. Find links below to our long-term files and programs, as well as emerging issues. You can search by keyword above, or click below for some current hot topics, programs, and long-term files.
Hot Topics & Most Requested Links:
- Welcoming Newcomers & Cottage Country Etiquette
- Boating Issues (wake, speed, noise, safety...)
- Association Governance & Best Practices
- Road Issues
- Water Levels Management & Planning
- Rural Services (power, internet, fire, police...)
- Septic Systems - parts, maintenance & re-inspection programs
- Pollution (Light, Noise, Plastics, Toxins...)
- Land Use & Planning (short-term rental, floating container residences, aggregates, water management plans, forestry planning, ...)

Ongoing FOCA Programs, Long-term Files & Other Important Topics:
- The Economic Impact of Waterfront Property Owners
- Impacts of a Changing Climate (water levels, extreme weather, ice changes, Lyme disease, ...)
- Citizen Science
- Land Claims and Reconciliation
- Great Lakes Strategy & Research
- Property Taxation & MPAC Assessments
- Algae (Algal Blooms)
- Docks Permits & Boathouses
- Source Water Protection (Conservation Authorities, wells...)
- Water Quality, Healthy Shorelines & Lake Stewardship
- Lake Partner Program of Water Quality Monitoring
- Invasive Species Prevention (including Phragmites, Carps, IsampleON, Spongy Moth...)
- Cottage Succession Planning
- Emergency Preparedness in remote areas
- Risk Management for Volunteer Associations
- Lake Planning for community groups
- Government Engagement & Relations (elections, who does what? getting engaged in municipal budget planning, ...)

FOCA’s work on programs, priority and long-term issues is directed by our organizational Strategic Priorities:
FOCA's Strategic Priorities
FOCA’s strategic framework for the coming years includes the following priority goals:
Promoting Healthy Lands, Lakes & Rivers
Growing citizen science initiatives, invasive species awareness, and shoreline responsibility
Advocating for Responsive Government
Speaking on the issues that matter to waterfront Ontario & mentoring municipal engagement
Serving Lake & Road Associations
Delivering timely and topical updates, governance tools, member services, discounts and resources
Championing Affordable & Safe Rural Living
Promoting rural resilience and advancing priority issues, while protecting volunteers
Building Capacity
Partnering with public and private sector colleagues and research organizations; growing the network of supporters
Fostering Cottage Country Community
Engaging ALL waterfront enthusiasts in a shared vision of thriving Ontario waterfronts