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Welcome to the webpage of the ESLCA -East Stoney Lake Cottagers Association.
Follow ESLCA on Facebook (click the Facebook image at the side to visit us there), or connect with us by email: Contact Us!
Our Lake:
East Stoney Lake is a picturesque corner of Stoney Lake. It includes a quiet bay, a deep channel, several points of land, and a large island, joined to our main road by a culvert bridge. Loons, osprey, kingfishers and blue jays frequent our shores.
Read more about the lake, by clicking here.
We have friendly neighbours, who host several informal gatherings each summer. Five volunteers from our Association sit on an executive committee to oversee maintenance of our private roads.
Our Road:
The total length of our private road is: 2.58 KMs. ESLCA’s private road begins at 2377 South Bay Road, includes Hull Road, and ends at the “T” intersection. At the “T” the road divides into South Bay Shore Road West and South Bay Shore Road East, and has several branches off each section. Currently the road has 69 lots with 68 cottages with several lots having out-lying buildings (separate garages, boathouses and bunkhouses).
To see our location on Google Maps, click here.
All sections of our private road are maintained throughout the year. The road has only cottage owners’ properties with a right-of-use for all cottage owners. There are no commercial properties or pubic use areas on the road or accessed by the road. No length of the road accesses public property, crown land or provides public access to a waterway; therefore, the private road has no right-of-use by the public, other than as guests of cottage owners.
There is an annual association membership fee for road maintenance; we do not differentiate from summer or year-round users for our fees.
Read the ESLCA Road Plan (download PDF, 25 pages)
ESLCA Executive Committee Mission Statement:
“The Association’s Executive will use their best efforts to ensure safety of our roads, while maintaining their 2.58 kilometers length, used by members of the East Stoney Lake Cottagers Association. The Executive will contract for winter road maintenance, including snow-clearing, sanding and salting when necessary, to ensure winter residents and emergency vehicle access. Contracted annual road maintenance will include grading every Spring and Fall, and when necessary re-gravelling, culvert replacement, and tree and brush removal. The Executive will use their best efforts to act to protect Association’s members, through the purchase of insurance, from any liability or financial risks resulting from maintaining a private road, some of which is located on members’ deeded right of way, but the majority of which is located on property not owned by any member.”
Click to download a copy of the ESLCA Executive Roles and Responsibilities and Annual Work Plan. (PDF, 2 pages)
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