This webpage is hosted by FOCA, on behalf of our member group. Please connect with them using the links below.
NOTE: the top header and bottom footer of this page contain links that will take you to additional pages on the FOCA website.

Fairbank Lake is a spring-fed lake west of Sudbury. Click here to view Fairbank Lake on Google Maps.
The inaugural meeting of the Fairbank Lake Camp Owners’ Association (FLCOA) was held at Fairbank Provincial Park in the Junior Rangers dining hall on June 27 1970, organized by M Arnie Ritari. FLCOA was incorporated on April 30, 1981.
FLCOA supports healthy lake initiatives and good environmental stewardship.
FLCOA participates in the Lake Partner Program, ongoing water quality monitoring, and Shoreline Steward programs. We work to advance plans to restore the natural shoreline and manage a healthy lake ecosystem, while enjoying the use of the lake and supporting the interests of the property owners around the lake.
Some of FLCOA’s activities include:
- install, remove and maintain lake navigational markers (at a cost of over $20,000 over the years)
- monitor activities to avoid the introduction of invasive species
- study and report on government plans affecting the property owners and to make representation on these matters
- provide shoreline plants through grants obtained by the City of Greater Sudbury
- organize Spring road cleanups
- maintain bulletin boards to distribute information, and garden areas around the bulletin boards
- provide AED devices at both ends of the lake
- organize an annual picnic
- participate in the Zone Watch program
- produce Spring and Fall newsletters
- maintain a map of property owners around the lake
We hope Fairbank Lake will continue to be a place where water quality, wildlife habitat, and recreational opportunities are maintained for present and future generations.
Please email for information about joining.

The current FLCOA Executive contact information can be found here.
FLCOA Members can access our Facebook group at Fairbank Lake Camp Owners’ Association
Feel free to contact FLCOA at
The FLCOA Constitution is available here.
As a member of FOCA, all FLCOA members get the Benefits outlined here: