This webpage is hosted by FOCA, on behalf of our member group. Please connect with them using the links below.
NOTE: the top header and bottom footer of this page contain links that will take you to additional pages on the FOCA website.

Welcome to the GLRA webpage!
The Gould Lake Ratepayers’ Association (GLRA) was formed in the early 1970’s and has been working since that time to encourage the co-operative protection of the Gould Lake environment.
Gould Lake is a small, spring-fed lake in South Bruce Peninsula. Click here to view Gould Lake on Google Maps.
The GLRA supports healthy lake initiatives and good environmental stewardship and continues to participate in the Lake Partners Program, ongoing water quality monitoring and “Shoreline Steward” programs.
As outlined in our GLRA Lake Plan (download PDF, 4 pages) we work to advance plans to restore the natural shoreline and manage a healthy lake ecosystem, while enjoying the use of the Lake and supporting the interests of the residents around the Lake.
We hope Gould Lake will continue to be a place where water quality, wildlife habitat, and recreational opportunities are maintained for present and future generations.
The GLRA will also continue to study and report on government plans affecting the residents and to make representation on these matters.
Please join us!

GLRA Archives:
The Gould Lake Ratepayers’ Association Archives documents that detail the history of Gould Lake are stored at the Bruce County Museum in Southampton. A description of the contents of the collection is available online at:
under “Collections & Research”
GLRA Events:
The Annual General Meeting is held on the 1st Saturday in July, and Social events the August long weekend. Check the Bulletin Boards on Maple Drive and MacDonald for updates.
As a member of FOCA, all GLA members get the Benefits outlined here: