This webpage is hosted by FOCA, on behalf of our member group. Please connect with them using the links below.
NOTE: the top header and bottom footer of this page contain links that will take you to additional pages on the FOCA website.

Grace Lake is located in Haliburton County, near Wilberforce, Ontario in the township of Dysart et al.
Grace Lake Association (GLA) is a not-for-profit, non-share corporation with the following objectives…
- To promote the welfare of Grace Lake.
- To plan, take or encourage measures to protect and preserve Grace Lake, its water and shoreline.
- To encourage appropriate, sustainable development on Grace Lake.
- To advocate with the municipality of Dysart et al and other government bodies for measures in the interest of the Lake.
- And to facilitate communications between GLA and its cottagers and residents, and external bodies and associations with similar objectives.
GLA is a proud member of…

We monitor the Lake and its health by participating in the following programs…
- Love Your Lake project (2017)
- Invasive Species Watch Program - Ontario Federation of Anglers & Hunters and Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry
- Lake Partner Program - Federation of Ontario Cottagers’ Associations
- Loon Survey - Birds Study Canada
Based on recent testing results, Grace Lake remains healthy with stable and low phosphorous levels, and stable and clear waters. But we remain vigilant.
Membership is available to all owners of property on Grace Lake and their families, and non-voting membership is available to interested parties.
Contact us…
P.O. Box 960, Wilberforce, ON K0L 3C0
Connect with us on Facebook
Additional Resources:
Click here for the GLA’s corporate bylaws (download PDF, 8 pages; 2013)
Click here for GLA’s Lake Plan (download PDF, 19 pages, 2005)
As a member of FOCA, all GLA members get the Benefits outlined here: