This webpage is hosted by FOCA, on behalf of our member group. Please connect with them using the links below.
NOTE: the top header and bottom footer of this page contain links that will take you to additional pages on the FOCA website.

Welcome to the LLCA webpage!
Leech Lake Cottagers’ Association (LLCA) has been active for more than 40 years as the voice of our cottage community. Our association works hard to ensure life on Leech Lake is safe and enjoyable.
Leech Lake is a small lake in the Township of Oakley, Bracebridge, Ontario. It is accessed by Fraserburg Road (Hwy 14) that runs east from Bracebridge.
Development began in the 1960s. Today, there are 132 properties on Leech Lake.
Commitment to a clean, sustainable lake:
- Coordinate an annual program partnering with Fleming College to monitor overall lake health and water quality
- Share environment and shoreline management information
- Procure and coordinate fish stocking

Community Building:
- Annual association meeting
- LLCA regatta and other lake community events
- Newsletter, urgent bulletins
- Facebook page
- Leech Lake Cottagers’ Association Members Hub (members-only Facebook group)

Value for Money:
- Purchase road services in volume
- Negotiate discounts from local service providers – pest control, septic system pump-outs, driveway snow clearing, etc.
- Provide FOCA benefits and discounts (see current offers here)

Leech Lake Blog:
- Find regular posts, important documents and newsletters in our blog [link coming soon!]

Did you know?
LLCA received the annual FOCA Achievement Award for 2012, for water stewardship efforts! Here are some notes from the Award presentation at the FOCA AGM in March 2013, about the accomplishments that were featured:
- Stewardship Committee was formed in 2006. Developed a mission statement defining the steps necessary to improve water quality in Leech Lake.
- Survey – the Stewardship Committee conducted an extensive survey of environmental knowledge and attitudes. 70% of residents filled out the survey. 88% of respondents listed water quality as the primary contributor to quality of life on Leech Lake, and said that pollution was their number one concern.
- Septics – coordinated a septic pumping event designed to educate and assist residents with arrangements and cost. 15 people took advantage of septic pumping in 2012 – feedback from cottagers and residents was almost universally positive.
- Benthic macroinvertebrate monitoring with the District Municipality of Muskoka since 2006. Used these results to apply better management practices for fish stocking.