705-749-3622 • info@foca.on.ca https://foca.on.ca MAILED UNDER CANADA POST AGREEMENT # 40034069 Share the Gift of the Cottage Cottage Dreams is a registered charity that offers recent cancer survivors a week away at a private, donated cottage to recover and rejuvenate with family and friends after completing cancer treatment. The program was created so cottage owners like you could lend their cottage during the work week, when it might otherwise be empty. Here’s a recent testimonial: “Our Cottage Dreams vacation was wonderful! Our time away afforded our family some timetogethertoheal,relaxandspendtimewithoneanother. We are so so thankful!” With your support, Cottage Dreams can do even more! Find out how to get involved: http://www.cottagedreams.ca/ Plan to join us at the next FOCA Member Seminar for a day of tips, shared stories and tools for success. SAVE THE DATE! Saturday, November 4th, 2017 Boulevard Club, Toronto Registration details will follow soon in the FOCA Elert. Get on the list: https://foca.on.ca/elerts/ Strong Associations for Future Generations A Seminar for Lake Associations