2017 LAKE STEWARDS NEWSLETTER | 5 So, what can we do? Our personal expectations of stationarity (or “stable conditions”) need to change. In cottage country, we’re largely a self-serve population, so our number one priority is to be informed and be prepared. Find out what you can do at your own shoreline to prepare. Be aware that any built or other assets located at or near the current high water mark are at some risk. Support organizations like your local lake association and FOCA, and programs that protect habitat and natural infrastructure as important mechanisms for adapting to a changing climate. Learn more, and get informed. Then contribute to the growing body of knowledge from citizen scientists by being a lake steward, a weather observer or by participating in a local ‘BioBlitz.’ Be ready in the case of an emergency. Keep an emergency kit at the cottage; know your neighbours and how to contact local emergency services. Use a copy of the template FOCA has created as your cottage-country emergency response locator: https:// foca.on.ca/emergency-response-in-remote-areas/ Be a strong voice for action by government. Ask them how they plantomanageinthisnewnorm.Buildingcodesandzoningbylaws need to change.We can’tafford to manageby disaster.Regulations and advice governing built structure in floodplains and elsewhere need to be updated and based on accurate, current information about likely patterns of water level fluctuations on our lakes and waterways in coming years. We have a long and wonderful history yet to be written in Ontario cottage country. Let’s make the most of it. This talk was presented by Terry Rees on the main stage at the Spring Cottage Life Show in Toronto (March 31-April 2, 2017). FOCA members can contact the office (info@foca.on.ca) for a digital copy of Terry’s slides and accompanying notes, for use at your own association meetings over the coming year! In May 2017, the Ontario Government proposed significant changes to the way land use planning decisions will be made in Ontario. The Government will introduce legislation that, if passed, will establish a new Local Planning Appeal Tribunal to replace the Ontario Municipal Board. The proposed changes include some significant changes for members who may be involved in land use planning appeals. For details and related links, visit: https://foca. on.ca/omb-ontario-municipal-board-changes/ FOCA members should understand and participate in local planning decisions, as these decisions have significance for our lakes and our properties. Decisions made at the local municipal level will now have greater impact than under the current system, as the proposed changes reduce the option to appeal certain planning decisions. This could be both positive and negative for our member Associations, depending on the local decision made. We do know that it will become increasingly important for our members to ensure that they participate in the local planning decision making process, including providing input into the Official Planning process, and importantly, becoming involved in the municipal election process. (see page 27) Follow FOCA’s active files and advocacy efforts: https://foca.on.ca/latestnews Ontario Municipal Board: Proposed Changes